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Q: You remember when your dad taught you to swim?
A: I do not know your customs, Dejah Thoris, but in my own Virginia a gentleman does not lie to save himself; I am not of Dor; I have never seen the mysterious Iss; the lost sea of Korus is still lost, so far as I am concerned.
[wpspd-column-item id=”j71si9xpbw2wggqb” class=”” padding=”false” padding_top=”0″ padding_right=”0″ padding_bottom=”0″ padding_left=”0″ margin_bottom=”40″]
Q: Why do you have to obey the charm of the Golden Cap?
A: I am not given to needless worrying, but the more I tried to convince myself that all was well with Powell, and that the dots I had seen on his trail were antelope or wild horses, the less I was able to assure myself.
[wpspd-column-item id=”j71sil0s7ay6jcqm” class=”” padding=”false” padding_top=”0″ padding_right=”0″ padding_bottom=”0″ padding_left=”0″ margin_bottom=”40″]
Q: What could the little woman possibly mean by calling her a sorceress, and saying she had killed the Wicked Witch of the East?
A: While she stood looking eagerly at the strange and beautiful sights, she noticed coming toward her a group of the queerest people she had ever seen. They were not as big as the grown folk she had always been used to; but neither were they very small. In fact, they seemed about as tall as Dorothy, who was a well-grown child for her age, although they were, so far as looks go, many years older.
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[wpspd-column-item id=”j71shpgk8cba5d15″ class=”” padding=”false” padding_top=”0″ padding_right=”0″ padding_bottom=”0″ padding_left=”0″ margin_bottom=”40″]
Q: Do you think Oz could give me courage?
A: Some half hour later I happened to glance casually across the valley and was much surprised to note three little dots in about the same place I had last seen my friend and his two pack animals. I am not given to needless worrying, but the more I tried to convince myself that all was well with Powell, and that the dots I had seen on his trail were antelope or wild horses, the less I was able to assure myself.
[wpspd-column-item id=”j71sjetfsnxrss9g” class=”” padding=”false” padding_top=”0″ padding_right=”0″ padding_bottom=”0″ padding_left=”0″ margin_bottom=”40″]
Q: But who could show a cheek like Queequeg?
A: But Dorothy did not know this, nor could she get away from the bright red flowers that were everywhere about; so presently her eyes grew heavy and she felt she must sit down to rest and to sleep.
[wpspd-column-item id=”j71sjyai4smqmnmy” class=”” padding=”false” padding_top=”0″ padding_right=”0″ padding_bottom=”0″ padding_left=”0″ margin_bottom=”40″]
Q: What shall we do?
A: But Dorothy did not know this, nor could she get away from the bright red flowers that were everywhere about; so presently her eyes grew heavy and she felt she must sit down to rest and to sleep.
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[wpspd-ui-element type=”toggles”]
[wpspd-ui-header for=”toggles”]Q: Did they dream they might exterminate us?[/wpspd-ui-header]
[wpspd-ui-pane for=”toggles”]
A: Some half hour later I happened to glance casually across the valley and was much surprised to note three little dots in about the same place I had last seen my friend and his two pack animals. I am not given to needless worrying, but the more I tried to convince myself that all was well with Powell, and that the dots I had seen on his trail were antelope or wild horses, the less I was able to assure myself.
[wpspd-ui-header for=”toggles”]Q: Are you going to start?[/wpspd-ui-header]
[wpspd-ui-pane for=”toggles”]
A: Some half hour later I happened to glance casually across the valley and was much surprised to note three little dots in about the same place I had last seen my friend and his two pack animals. I am not given to needless worrying, but the more I tried to convince myself that all was well with Powell, and that the dots I had seen on his trail were antelope or wild horses, the less I was able to assure myself.
[wpspd-ui-header for=”toggles”]Q: Do you think Oz could give me courage?[/wpspd-ui-header]
[wpspd-ui-pane for=”toggles”]
A: Some half hour later I happened to glance casually across the valley and was much surprised to note three little dots in about the same place I had last seen my friend and his two pack animals. I am not given to needless worrying, but the more I tried to convince myself that all was well with Powell, and that the dots I had seen on his trail were antelope or wild horses, the less I was able to assure myself.
[wpspd-ui-header for=”toggles”]Q: Did they dream they might exterminate us?[/wpspd-ui-header]
[wpspd-ui-pane for=”toggles”]
A: Some half hour later I happened to glance casually across the valley and was much surprised to note three little dots in about the same place I had last seen my friend and his two pack animals. I am not given to needless worrying, but the more I tried to convince myself that all was well with Powell, and that the dots I had seen on his trail were antelope or wild horses, the less I was able to assure myself.
[wpspd-columns id=”j71slpylaujablri” class=”” part=”6″ background=”” color=””]
[wpspd-column-item id=”j71slpylt9akshf5″ class=”” padding=”false” padding_top=”0″ padding_right=”0″ padding_bottom=”0″ padding_left=”0″ margin_bottom=”40″]
[wpspd-column-item id=”j71so8t6ul6qullj” class=”” padding=”false” padding_top=”0″ padding_right=”0″ padding_bottom=”0″ padding_left=”0″ margin_bottom=”40″]
[wpspd-ui-element type=”toggles”]
[wpspd-ui-header for=”toggles”]Q: You remember when your dad taught you to swim?[/wpspd-ui-header]
[wpspd-ui-pane for=”toggles”]
A: I do not know your customs, Dejah Thoris, but in my own Virginia a gentleman does not lie to save himself; I am not of Dor; I have never seen the mysterious Iss; the lost sea of Korus is still lost, so far as I am concerned. Do you believe me?
[wpspd-ui-header for=”toggles”]Q: Why do you have to obey the charm of the Golden Cap?[/wpspd-ui-header]
[wpspd-ui-pane for=”toggles”]
A: Some half hour later I happened to glance casually across the valley and was much surprised to note three little dots in about the same place I had last seen my friend and his two pack animals. I am not given to needless worrying, but the more I tried to convince myself that all was well with Powell, and that the dots I had seen on his trail were antelope or wild horses, the less I was able to assure myself.
[wpspd-ui-header for=”toggles”]Q: Would the Londoners have the heart and courage to make a greater Moscow of their mighty province of houses?[/wpspd-ui-header]
[wpspd-ui-pane for=”toggles”]
A: Some half hour later I happened to glance casually across the valley and was much surprised to note three little dots in about the same place I had last seen my friend and his two pack animals. I am not given to needless worrying, but the more I tried to convince myself that all was well with Powell, and that the dots I had seen on his trail were antelope or wild horses, the less I was able to assure myself.
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After I had eaten I was greatly invigorated, but feeling the need of rest I stretched out upon the silks and was soon asleep. I must have slept several hours, as it was dark when I awoke, and I was very cold. I noticed that someone had thrown a fur over me, but it had become partially dislodged and in the darkness I could not see to replace it. Suddenly a hand reached out and pulled the fur over me, shortly afterwards adding another to my covering.
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